Harvest features

Our order processing system is a comprehensive order processing system for wholesale/retail businesses. The Sales Order Entry (Point of Sale) system processes and tracks orders, cash sales, deposits, invoices, backorders, quotes and credits. Inventory is adjusted immediately (real time).
This structured process will help to automate your business operations (e.g. we can automatically send out low stock warning), less human involvement means less errors, you will also have less paperwork, more accuracy in deliveries and billing, and it will also mean you will need less staff dedicated to this process freeing up resources.

  • The Invoice Retrieval system allows you to view and reprint/fax/email invoices and credits.
  • Credit checking allows the credit department to monitor and control the credit that is extended to customers.
  • The Gross Margin Calculator is referred to by one of our clients as a ‘killer app’. It calculates the profitability on an order and allows you to change it with the touch of a button.
  • The Job tracking and profit analysis allows jobs (separate shipping address, credit limit, tax code, terms, etc) to be set up and orders to be entered against those jobs. The system keeps track of everything ordered/invoiced on a job. and separate customer statements can be printed for jobs.

Once the pricing system has been set up, the salespeople and the counter people will quote the right price and the same price every time. The pricing system offers you unlimited flexibility and can dramatically improve the consistency of your pricing system. It can be as detailed or simplified as you require to translate the current scale for customer discounts
into the computer system.
It is built on a 5 tier system from individual items to full vendors to large or small product groupings.






The system tracks detail sales history on every item that can easily be retrieved by customer or by item. It also accumulates sales figures (selling price, cost, and margin) by customer and product groups (which are defined by your company).

Screen inquiries or reports show this information by Customer and Product Group or vice versa and by Salesperson. Customer Ranking Reports can be printed by sales, cost, or margin.

This system is used to process purchase orders for inventory and non-inventory items, as well as direct shipments. The purchasing agents are alerted when there are situations that need their immediate attention, such as stock-outs or low stock levels. When items are received on purchase orders they immediately update the inventory and weighted average cost. When vendor invoices are entered they update Last Cost Paid (see section on Cost). The system will automatically post vendor invoices to Accounts Payable after they are entered against purchase orders.

  • The Pro-Forma P.O. system will build a list of material that should be purchased by running the Replenishment Action Report. This list can then be turned into a purchase order at the push of a button.
  • The Vendor Expediting Request will compile a list of items on purchase orders that should have been received, but were not, and allow you to send (fax) this list to the vendor and request a list of expected shipping dates.
  • The Billing Discrepancies Report shows items that were billed at a different cost than what was entered on the purchase order.

The quotations system is integrated with the Order Processing System in that quotes can be turned into orders at the touch of a button, but also quotes can be entered right through the Sales Order Entry System. The Gross Margin Calculator (see Order Processing) can be used during the entry or maintenance of quotes. One of the most highly used features of the quotations system is to copy a quote. Our clients have been very innovative in the use of this feature.

  • If a new customer has filled out a credit application, but wants a quote while they are waiting for approval, then the quote is entered under a ‘dummy’ customer. After their credit is approved and the account is opened, and they want to order the material, then the quote is copied from the ‘dummy’ customer to their account and turned into an order.
  • If a customer order was entered under the wrong customer, then they turn the order into a quote, copy the quote to the correct customer, turn the quote into an order, and cancel the incorrect order. This may seem be complicated, but quite simple when you do it and very functional.
  • When a number of contractors are all bidding on the same job, you can enter the quote once and then copy if from customer to customer, and indicate whether or not the system should re-calculate the pricing based upon each customer’s discount structure.

    Quotes can be printed, faxed, or emailed; and also a ‘Request for Quote’ can be sent to a vendor. They can also be turned into Individual Item Price Exceptions so that the pricing applies to all future orders placed by the customer.

This system will allow you to know what stock you have and where it is at the touch of a button. Inventories can be kept accurate through the use of the cycle counting system and the year-end physical inventory system. The history of all activity on each stock item can be viewed for quick research. History is tracked on sales, purchases, returns, transfers, adjustments, lost sales, stock-outs, and returns to vendors. The sale of products via direct shipment are tracked separately from stock sales to facilitate correct calculations of usage and replenishment quantities.

The key to good inventory management is not only knowing what you don’t have and need to order, but also what you have on the shelf and do not need.

Reports are provided that give guidance for purchasing stock and non-stock items, as well as flagging overstock items. Lead times are tracked per item to facilitate correct calculation of order point, line point, and Economic Order Quantity. These are then used in turn to calculate what needs to be ordered for stock and what is overstock and needs to be returned to the manufacturer or discarded.

Would you instantly like to know what stock you have and where it is?
Are you effectively handling your inventory?
Can you tell what stock you have at other branches?
Receive automatic notification when low on product!
Transfer stock from branch to branch automatically!
You can substitute one item for another!
You can cross reference different parts to one lead part!

Invoices and credits are processed in the Order Processing System and posted to Accounts Receivable. Cash application allows the quick but accurate posting of checks from customers to their accounts. This system tracks customer balances and their payment profile. It prints aging reports, and allows quick inquiry of each customer’s current status and their check history.

  • Finance charges can be accessed on selected customers each month.
  • Statements can be printed/faxed/emailed on demand that list the detail of each transaction on the customer’s account. A breakdown by job can be printed for those customers that have jobs set up in the system.
  • Dunning Notices can be printed for delinquent customer’s accounts.
  • Documents can be flagged as disputed.
  • A history of comments concerning communication with each customer can be entered.
  • The history of each check and how it was posted on a customer’s account can viewed on the screen.

This system allows the entry and tracking of vendor invoices, and the processing of computer printed checks and manual checks. The system handles multiple bank accounts and has extensive inquiry capabilities by vendor, invoice, and check:

  • enter vendor and view all open invoices
  • enter vendor and view all paid invoices
  • enter check # and view date, amount, vendor, and detail of all invoices paid with option to print or fax
    a copy of the remittance
  • enter vendor and view all checks paid
  • query the system for open invoices by invoice date, invoice #, invoice amount, and memo.
  • query the system for paid invoices by invoice date, invoice #, invoice amount, check #, check date, and memo

    Summary and detail reports can be printed at any time that show the company’s future liabilities. Monthly reports are printed that recap the activity by vendor, expense account, and checks processed. Check reconciliation and printing 1099 forms at the end of the year are optional features.

The Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Transfer systems post daily activity to the General Ledger system automatically, with clear audit trails provided. This system accommodates small companies with a relatively simple chart of accounts and financial statements, and it also accommodates multi branch companies with up to 4 segments in their account numbers and various financial statements.

A drill down technique allows research into the source of postings to accounts. The system allows the operator to work on more than one accounting period at a time. The Trial Balance and Financial Statements can be printed at any time. Recurring journal entries and allocating entries are optional, but they can be time savers for small and large companies. Financial statements (Income Statements, Balance Sheet, etc) are user defined so they allow a great deal of flexibility in their appearance and control over the information provided.

See this in our brochure. Click on the link below to download.

Harvest Brochure.pdf

This system allows the entry and tracking of items returned to manufacturers or waiting to be returned. A separate address can be entered for the manufacturer for returns because often times this address is different than the one for purchasing.

After a list of material to be returned is entered, then an RGA can be printed/faxed or a packing list can be printed. When the operator indicates that the material is shipped, the inventory is reduced, and the return remains open in the system until a credit is entered against it.

At any time a list of material awaiting an RGA or material awaiting credit from a manufacturer can be viewed or printed. Imagine being able to present a rep with this list the next time he visits, and asking him to let you know when you can expect your authorization or your credit.

See this in our brochure. Click on the link below to download.

Harvest Brochure.pdf

See this in our brochure. Click on the link below to download.

Harvest Brochure.pdf

The Salesperson Commission System has a great deal of flexibility as to how the commissions are defined: inside vs outside salesperson, sales vs profit, breakdown by product groups and source codes, and dollar breaking points.

The system can be set up so that the commission is only eligible to be paid when the customer pays the invoice, and it can be based upon the merchandise only (excluding freight and miscellaneous charges).

A statement is printed every month to show the salesperson exactly how their commission has been calculated.

See this in our brochure. Click on the link below to download.

Harvest Brochure.pdf

The Program Sequencer (Night Run) allows programs to be queued up to run off hours so that the system can be kept fine tuned and running at top performance during peak hours of the day.

Employees can be set up with passwords to punch in and out on the computer and then the system prints out a recap and calculates the number of hours worked in the time period specified.

Download our Brochure HERE

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